Tutorials for Developer Marketing

Publish long-form tutorials from experienced developers that show other developers how to build end-to-end solutions with your platform.

How Tutty Works

We combine content marketing best practices with developer expertise.

1) Outlines are created

Outlines are created for topics that are identified to perform well based on keyword research and popularity within developer communities.

2) Developers are assigned

Developers are assigned to write tutorials for approved outlines. Their work is edited and SEO’d by a technical content marketer.

3) Tutorials are delivered

Tutorials are delivered as 1500-word articles. Social copy and code files are also delivered for easy sharing across social media and Github.

“Robert knew what our audience wanted and didn’t pander to them. When he’d tell me about an idea, I knew it would be on the front page of Hacker News.”

Justin Dorfman

Open Source @ Sourcegraph

Use Cases for Tutorials

Extend the power of tutorials beyond documentation.

Content marketing

Twilio created one of the most successful developer blogs by exercising the company’s “show versus tell” tenet with long-form tutorials.

Community building

Digital Ocean built one of the largest developer communities by publishing tutorials in the Community section of its website.

Demand generation

Long-form tutorials encourage developers to build solutions with your platform since the barrier to entry is lower with step-by-step direction.

Customer success

Send your customers tutorials that show them how to build with new products you launch in a way that doesn’t require too much hand-holding.

We produce more and cost less than a full-time technical content writer.