
In-House Quality at Half the Cost

It costs at least $100k to hire a technical content writer who can produce two tutorials per month — that’s $4,000 per tutorial. With Tutty, you receive tutorials written by developers for $1,500 per tutorial.


$1,000 one-time

Get to know us first. Only pay what we pay a developer to write the tutorial.

One 1500-word tutorial

Code for Github repo

SEO for the tutorial

Social copy for the tutorial

Strategy call


$3,000 per month

Start by receiving enough tutorials to publish as much as an in-house writer.

Two 1500-word tutorials per month

Code for Github repo

SEO for each tutorial

Social copy for each tutorial

Monthly strategy call


$6,000 per month

Scale developer content marketing and publish as much as two in-house writers.

Four 1500-word tutorials per month

Code for Github repo

SEO for each tutorial

Social copy for each tutorial

Monthly strategy call

More money, more tuts.

Why these prices?

We pay developers $1,000 to write a tutorial. We then charge $500 per tutorial to cover strategy, editing, operations, and BLT sandwiches.

Do you provide guarantees?

Yes. We’ll rewrite any tutorial you’re not completely satisfied with and assign a new writer to the topic. We only want to help you publish the best.

How do I manage my plan?

You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan in your customer portal managed by Stripe, our payment processor. You can also view invoices and update payment methods there.

How do I get started?

Book a call or message me on LinkedIn to learn more. Then select your plan above. We’ll send you outlines to review and assign writers to your project. Expect drafts within 2-3 weeks of starting your plan.

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