
Get Paid to Write

Tutty partners with developers to write tutorials that show other developers how to build solutions with our customers’ platforms and other technology.

Writing for Tutty

Publish your best

We provide you with outlines and access to engineers at the company you’re writing for. A technical content marketer then suggests edits to your draft.

Write for the best

We partner with developer-centric companies that provide free test accounts with API access and solid documentation.

Build your portfolio

When our customers publish tutorials as blog posts, we encourage them to attach your name and byline to the content you create.

Get paid well

We pay $1,000 per tutorial. That’s more than most technical content agencies and companies with developer writing programs.

Get paid upfront

After your first tutorial is successfully completed and paid for, we pay you upfront for all future tutorials. We think this is fair since our customers pay us upfront.

Code of writing

Deliver on time

Only accept projects you can deliver within 10 days of assignment.

Deliver on target

Make sure your tutorials are edited, tested, and publish ready.

Write from scratch

We write about AI, but don’t use AI to write.

Create a website or blog at